Friday 29 April 2016

Zhang Jike Hopes To Prove Himself In The Asian Cup

Zhang Jike Hopes To Prove Himself In The Asian Cup
Zhang Jike participates in this week’s Asian Cup and he is off to a good start in the competition after he nailed thee sweep victories in the group stage. In his interview, he said that his attendance in the Asian Cup is for him to show how much he has already recovered. Of course, it is to assess his capacity for the bigger game in August, the Rio Olympics.  
Sohu Sports. The Asian Cup had its first day of competition yesterday and the Grand Slam champion Zhang Jike posted a very convincing performance.   
Zhang Jike had a good start in the competition. In the group stage, he nailed three sweep victories against Wong Chun Ting, Lee Sangsu, and Sharath Kamal Achanta respectively.   According to Zhang Jike, he hopes that he would be able to prove and show to the coaching staff, specifically to Liu Guoliang how much he has recovered, and that he can be trusted with the heavy responsibility for the Olympics.   
“I had some conversations with coach Liu Guoliang. Because there are not much competitions before the Olympics, and I didn’t play in a lot of matches in 2015, and I also lost in a lot of them, so I have to participate in the Asian Cup to check how much my condition has recovered.” Zhang Jike said.   As for the Olympic Games, Zhang Jike feels that the Rio Olympics could be different with that of the London Olympics.   
“I have participated in the London Olympics before but this time, the rhythm of the preparation might not be completely the same with the last one. Whether looking at my age or energy, I was better than now. With my increasing age, how to achieve the most reasonable match is the most important.” Zhang Jike said.   Zhang Jike won his quarterfinal match today against Chiang Hung Chieh in 11-5, 11-5, 5-11, 12-10, 11-2.

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